HS এর এই Notes গুলো সব মুখস্ত বা ভালো করলে পড়লে পরীক্ষায় সব লিখতে পারবে। খুব সহজ ভাষায় লেখা হয়েছে। এইগুলো বিশেষ করে Test Examination এর জন্য দেওয়া। Final Exam এর জন্যও পরে আপলোড করবো। তাই অনুগ্রহ করে ওই Website টি Marked করে রাখো ও বাকিদের Share করে দিও। আর ভালো লাগলে অবশ্যই নীচে কমেন্ট বক্সে কমেন্ট করো।


                                      The Eyes Have It

Ruskin Bond

1. “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her” – Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were they useless to her? Explain the irony of situation. 1+2+3=6

2. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie "- When did the man enter the compartment? How did he break the reverie ? What was the reverie about? 1+2+3=6

3.“I didn't know anyone else was here.” Who said this and to whom? When did the speaker say this? How did the above word affect the person spoken to? 2+2+2=6

4. “Oh, how lucky you are.” – Who is the speaker here? Who is "you" referred to? Why is the person spoken to being called "lucky"? 1+3+2=6

"Strong Roots"

By APJ Abdul Kalam

1. "I normally ate with my mother"- Who ate with his mother? Name his mother. Where did he eat with his mother? What did he eat with his mother? 1+1+1+3=6


Same as above


2. "Why don't you say this to the people who come to you..?" - Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word 'this'? Why do the people come to the person spoken to? 2+2+2=6

3. “His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm”. - Whose answer is referred to here? Who got the answer and to which question? What was the answer? 1+2+3=6

4. What had remained the routine for Abdul Kalam's father even when he was in his late sixties? What does Abdul Kalam say about his emulation of his father? 6

5. “Our locality was predominantly Muslim.” – Who said this? How does the speaker describe the locality? What picture of communal harmony do you find in this description?     1+2+3=6


Give the picture of the locality. 

"Three Questions"

Leo Tostoy

1. How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?    6 

2. Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask for forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him?  1+2+3=6


“Forgive me!" said the bearded man in a weak voice.– Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did the man ask forgiveness?

3. What were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar? Why did he need the correct answers to those questions? What did he do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men? 3+1+2=6




7. "All the answers being different the Tsar agreed with none of them"- What were the questions to which the Tsar got different answers? Whom did the Tsar decide to consult when he was not satisfied? Where did the person live whom the Tsar decided to consult? What was his famous for?

                             FOR ALL ANSWERS CLICK HERE👈

"Shall I Compare Thee"

William Shakespeare

1. “But thy eternal summer shall not fade"- Who is the poet? What is meant by the 'eternal summer'? How does the poet suggest that thy eternal summer shall never fade?


“But thy eternal summer shall not fade/ No lose possession of that fair the ow'st;” – whose ‘eternal summer’ is referred to here? What do you mean by ‘eternal summer’? What conclusion does the poet draw at the end of the poem? 1+2+3=6

2. How does Shakespeare compare the beauty of his friend to that of a summer's day in Sonnet 18? 6.

3. Discuss the appropriateness of the title of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18.               6

4. "And every fair from fair sometime declines" -  From which poem is the line quoted? Who is the poet? Briefly explain the meaning of the quoted line? How does the poet promise to immortalize his friend's beauty?    1+1+1+3=6

5. “…and summer’s lease hath too short a date” – What is meant by ‘summer’s lease’? In what context does the poet say this and what does this line suggest?    1+5=6

"The Poetry of Earth"

John Keats

1. ".... he has never done with his delights “- Who is 'he' ? What does 'he' do? What does the poet mean to say here?     1+3+2=6

3. “The poetry of earth is never dead”- What does the poet mean by it?    6


What do you mean by ‘the poetry of earth’? How does Keats justify that the poetry of earth is never dead./ How does the poet show that the poetry of earth never ceases?

4. Prepare the central Idea, and substance of the poem “The Poetry of Earth”.    6


What roles do the Grasshopper and the Cricket play in the poem?


Justify the title of the poem "The Poetry of Earth"

5. “… takes the lead” – Who takes the lead and when? How does he take the lead?   1+1+4=6

HS English Suggestion-2022 with 100% common

"Asleep in the Valley"

Arthur Rimbaud

1.  Prepare the central idea, title and substance of the poem “Asleep in the Valley”.       6

2. "A soldier very young, lies open mouthed"- Who is the 'soldier' referred to here? Narrate in your own words how the soldier lies in the valley? 2+4=6


Anton Chekhov

1. Sketch the character of Lomov.***      6

2. Sketch the character of Chubukov.      6

3. Sketch the character of Natalya.    6


1. A Free Vaccination Camp for Covid-19

2. A Free Health Checkup Camp for Covid-19

3. A Farewell Ceremony

4. "Safe Drive Save Life" Programme

5. An Educational Tour

6. Teachers' Day Celebration

7. Celebration of Rabindra Jayanti

7. Blood Donation Camp

8. Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony

10. Magic Show

11. A Science Exhibition

12. Annual Sports Day

13. A Cleaning Operation

14. World Environment Day



HS English Suggestion-2022 with 100% common

Tapas Sir

I'm a professional English Teacher having 10 years of experience.

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