ইংরেজি গ্রামারের 'Voice Change" অর্থাৎ "বাচ্য পরিবর্তন" করতে আমরা কম বেশি অনেকেই ভয় পাই। এইগুলো শেখার জন্য সঠিক প্লাটফর্ম আমরা পাই না। কিন্তু তোমরা এখন "Voice Change" সংক্রান্ত সব কিছুই এই Website এ পেয়ে যাবে। যদি তোমাদের কোনো 'Doubt' ও থাকে তবে তোমরা নিচের কমেন্ট বক্সে কমেন্ট করে জানাতেও পারো। খুব তাড়াতাড়ি আমরা উত্তর দেবার চেষ্টা করবো।



1. Rina eats rice.

Ans. Rice is eaten by Rina.

2. Bina writes a letter.

Ans. A letter is written by Bina.

3. A nurse looks after the patient.

Ans. The patient is looked after by a nurse.

4. The poet composes a number of poems.

Ans. A number of poems are composed by the poet.


5.Raja gave chocolates to Rohit.

Ans. Chocolates were given to Rohit by Raja.


Ans. Rohit was given chocolates by Raja.

6. They killed the little puppy.

Ans. The little puppy was killed by them.

7. India defeated Australia.

Ans. Australia was defeated by India.

8. Santosh did not buy the shoe.

Ans. The shoe was not bought by Santosh.


9. He will play cricket. 

Ans. Cricket will be played by him.

10. They will build a big building.

Ans. A big building will be built by them.

11. A cat will kill a rat.

Ans. A rat will be killed by a cat.


12. Sonu is singing a song. 

Ans. A song is being sung by Sonu.

13. They are doing some important work.

Ans. Some important work is being done by them.

14. She is making a mistake.

Ans. A mistake is being made by her.

15. She is giving me a present.

Ans. I am being given a present by her.


Ans. A present is beinn given to me by her.


16. She was plucking the flowers. 

Ans. The flowers were being plucked by her.

17. Mother was calling her maid.

Ans. Her maid was being called by mother.

18. Ranu was ploughing the field.

Ans. The field was being ploughed by Ranu.


19. Mother has blessed me. 

Ans. I have been blessed by Mother.

20. I have told you so.

Ans. You have been told so by me.

21. She has bought two pens.

Ans. Two pens have been bought by her.


22. She had killed a deer. 

Ans. A deer had been killed by her.

23. They had shown the way.

Ans. The way had been shown by them.

24. They had posted the letters.

Ans. The letters had been posted by them.

25. This letter had been written in the nineteenth century.

Ans. Someone had written this letter in the nineteenth century.



26. I shall have purchased a bike.

Ans. A bike should have been purchased by me.

27. She will have sung a song.

Ans. A song will have been sung by her.

28. I shall have finished the work.

Ans. The work will have been finished by me.


29. She gave me a gift. 

Ans. I was given a gift by her.

Note: She gave a gift to me.

Ans. A gift was given to me by her.

30. Grandma told us a story.

Ans. We were told a story by grandma.


Ans. A story was told to us by grandmother

31. Mr. Roy teaches us English.

Ans. We were taught English by Mr Roy.


Ans. English is taught to us by Mr. Roy.


32. Do this work. 

Ans. Let this wok be done.

33. Shut the door.

Ans. Let the door be shut.

34. Give me my book.

Ans. Let me be given my book.

35. Do not smoke.

Ans. You are advised not to smoke.

36. Answer the phone

Ans. You are asked to answer the phone.

37. Let him do this work.

Ans. Let this work be done by him.

38. Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

Ans. You are asked to arise, awake and stop not till you reach the goal.


39. He can do the work. 

Ans. The work can be done by him.

40. The rich should help the poor.

Ans. The poor should be helped by the rich.

41. You must maintain discipline

Ans. Discipline must be maintained by you.

42. He may permit you to go there.

Ans. You may be permitted to go there by him.


43. One should keep one's promises. 

Ans. Premises should be kept.

44. Violence should be discouraged.

Ans. People should discourage violence.

45. Trespassers will be prosecuted.

Ans. The authority will prosecute trespassers.

46. The thief has been arrested

Ans. The police have arrested the thief.


47. Do you like it? 

Ans. Is it liked by you?

48. Who has done it?

Ans. By whom has it been done?

49. Why did the teacher punish you?

Ans. Why were you punished by the teacher?

50. Has he worked out the sums?

Ans. Have the sums been worked out by him?

51. Don't you know his name?

Ans. Isn't his name known to you?

52. Did you see the man?

Ans. Was the man seen by you?


53. I know him. 

Ans. He is known to me.

54. He married her.

Ans. She was married to him.

55. Tears filled her eyes.

Ans. Her eyes were filled with tears.

56. The news pleased us.

Ans. We were pleased with the news.

57. His conduct surprised me.

Ans. I was surprised at his conduct.


58. I know that she did this. 

Ans. It is known to me that this was done by her.

59. We cannot undo what we can do.

Ans. What can be done cannot be undone.

60. I cannot depend on what he says.

Ans. What is said by him cannot be depended on by me.


61. There is no time to lose. 

Ans. There is no time to be lost

62. I have to do a lot of things.

Ans. I have a lot of things to be done.

63. You have to admit this.

Ans. This has to be admitted by you.

64. I have promises to keep.

Ans. I have promises to be kept.


65. They proposed to hold a meeting. 

Ans. It was proposed by them that a meeting would be held.

66. The thief was ordered to be jailed.

Ans. The judge ordered the thief to jail.

67. The evil was sought to be remedied.

Ans. People sought to remedy the evil.


68. Discipline should be maintained. 

Ans. We should maintain discipline.

69. The drums are being beaten.

Ans. The drums are beating.

70. He was made king by them.

Ans. They made him king.

71. This is to be admitted by you.

Ans. You are to admit this.

72. The building was built in 2007.

Ans. Mason built the building in 2007.

73. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Sen.

Ans. Mr. Sen presided over the meeting.

74. English is spoken here.

Ans. People speak English here.

75. The cows are milking.

Ans. The cows are being milked.

76. Why should I leave it in the garden ?

Ans. Why should it be left by me in the garden?

77. What did he see?

Ans. What was seen by him?

78. A man in the surging crowd lifted him up in his arms.

Ans. He was lifted up by a man in the surging crowd in his arms.

79. Close the door.

Ans. Let the door be closed.

80. Why did they refuse your admission?

Ans. Why was your admission refused by them?

81. Where did you find this strange shell?

Ans. Where was this strange shell found by you?

82. And there is no end of voyaging when once the voice is heard.

Ans. And there is no end of voicing when someone hears the voice.

83. Honey tastes sweet.

Ans. Honey is sweet when it is tasted.

84. This bed feels soft.

Ans. This bed is soft when it is felt.

85. The bird has been shot dead.

Ans.b someone has shot the bird dead.

86. The bank has been robbed.

Ans. The robber has robbed the bank.

87. Have you done it ?

Ans. Has it been done by you?

88. Shall I forget those happy days?

Ans. Shall those happy days be forgotten by me?

89. Will he attend our picnic?

Ans. Will our picnic be attended by him?

90. Why have you hit me so hard ?

Ans. Why have I been hit so hard by you?

Note:  "Voice Change" এর কুইজ খেলতে চাইলে Participate করতে পারো নীচের বাটনে ক্লিক করে।

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Tapas Sir

I'm a professional English Teacher having 10 years of experience.


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